This year, Gedling Legal hosted our first virtual intern from the Law School at Nottingham Trent University.  Here’s what Tom had to say about his experience:

I started my internship incredibly sceptically. The events of the past year had made me question whether it was possible for an internship to even take place. However, despite my worries, my time with Gedling Legal has been a positive and enlightening experience that- has taught me many valuable skills.

The range of opportunities that I have had the opportunity to work on and observe has altered my opinion of several aspects of law. For instance, as a student I was relieved when I finished contract law module, but arguably my favourite task of the internship consisted of drafting a contract with the help of one of the legal team.

A particular special thank you needs to be given to every member of the team that I have had the privilege of being a part of. Throughout my experience I have always felt welcome and able to ask for help without ever feeling patronised. Similarly, the trust awarded in me to manage my own time and workload, not only made this experience more realistic, but made me feel like a trusted member of the team.

This experience has opened my eyes to how interested I am in all aspects of law and how diverse a career in law can actually be. Now my internship is coming to end, my only regret is that I didn’t have the chance to be a part of the infamous tea cycle.